It was February 24 the day I found out I was pregnant. I had taken a pregnancy test about a week prior and I thought it was a negative test. After still not getting my period, I decided to take another test. I got the same result as I did the first test I had taken. I decided since the outcome didn't seem clear to me, I would call the toll free number on the back of the box. The nurse on the phone confirmed my
results to me. Both tests
in fact had positive results. Still in disbelief, I decided to buy just one more test. Just to be sure. Maybe this lady was wrong. So I purchased a different type of test. No lines or dots or colours to read. I had to go more technical. Digital. I purchased a
Clear Blue Digital Pregnancy Test. This was the Cadillac of all home tests. I had to know right away so I went to the bathroom in the store since Cameron had dropped me off to go get gas. I took the test and waited... the longest 3 minutes of my life. I was so scared. I had a million things going through my head. Then I looked. The test read "PREGNANT". My stomach went into my throat. I discarded the test, swallowed my stomach and went outside to wait to be picked up.

Cameron didn't know that I was taking a pregnancy test, nor did he know I had taken one earlier that day. He knew I was late and that was enough for the time being. He pulled up, I loaded my bags and got into the car. We pulled away, I put my seat belt on, and began to cry. He stopped the car to see what was the matter and I told him. He couldn't figure out whether I was happy or sad or disappointed. Truth is, I was overcome with a million emotions all at once. He was nothing but happy. I think he had been waiting for this day for a very long time. I quickly pieced myself back together as we were on our way to a birthday party for my niece and I didn't want people to know I had been crying or know I was preggo. This subject was closed for discussion until this night was over.